Golf Club Notes Week Ending 15th April
Mens Club:
Singles match play Qualifier top 32 Qualified For match play Leading Qualifer: Shane O Neill 39 points .
Check the App or call the office to see the draw.
Open singles 12/4/18
Tony Heelen (14) 41 points
CSS 70.
Ladies Club:
Club classic Qualifier 11/4/18
1st Angelia O Connell 35 pts
2nd Dolores Curtin 32 pts
3rd Eithne Hehir 32 pts
Seniors Club 10/4/18
Champagne scramble
1st Michael John Cosgrave, Connie Ryan, Anthony Ryan, John Cooney 46.3 pts
2nd John Keogh, Pat Hastings, James Leonard 44.6.
Notes for your Diary
Club Classic sponsored by St Albies credit union 17 & 18 May , €300 Team of 3 , Tee box
€100 .please support contact Margaret at 061 351881 to book a slot